
Lyme Tennessee Timberlands

In 2016, Lyme acquired the Emory River property, a 20,000-acre tract of timberland in the Cumberland Mountains in northeastern Tennessee. The property, which features well-stocked stands of Appalachian hardwoods, was conserved by a prior owner, and is part of a larger 200,000-acre conserved forest.

In 2018, Lyme purchased approximately 42,600 acres of timberlands, the Brimstone property, adjacent to Emory River. It too contains well-stocked stands of Appalachian hardwoods. Over 55% of the property is subject to a conservation easement. The property includes a forest carbon sequestration project on 5,000 acres.

In 2019, Lyme purchased approximately 46,900 acres of timberlands in southeastern Tennessee and northern Alabama. This diverse, natural Appalachian hardwood property has an established log yard and accesses robust local markets. A forest carbon sequestration project is underway.

The Brimstone and Emory Rivers properties are managed and certified to the FSC ® Forest Management Standard to ensure sustainable management and conservation of the forest resource. Skyline, the property acquired in 2019, is managed and certified to the SFI ® Forest Management Standard to ensure sustainable management and conservation of the forest resource.

An earlier Lyme fund established an operating company, the Straight Fork Timber Company, Inc., now Straight Fork Forest Management LLC (“Straight Fork”). Straight Fork, based in Huntsville, Tennessee, has unique expertise in log merchandizing and marketing, and it manages the three properties and opportunistically purchases stumpage from private landowners. Eric Dennis is the General Manager of Straight Fork.

Cumberland Mountains, TN and AL
Lyme Tennessee Timberlands